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Holding ourselves accountable.

We work on and thus profit from stolen land. The stealing of this land from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people started centuries of cultural desecration and genocide. We can’t claim to want a future free from inequality, and not reckon with the facts of our history.

We believe that if we are to benefit from a society that is inherently unfair, it is our duty to rebuild until that society is fair.

But you’re a super fund?

Our vision is to build a prosperous future, free from climate change and inequality. Developing a Reconciliation Action Plan is an essential step for us to realise this goal, as reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a crucial element of addressing the intertwined issues of climate and inequality.

We hope everyone who works at, or is a member of, Future Super comes to understand why we are taking this path and chooses to walk it with us.

Pay the rent

In acknowledging that the sovereignty of First Nations people was never ceded, we also acknowledge that we conduct business and take shelter on land which was removed from First Nations people. This has created a disproportionate distribution of wealth and marginalised the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owners.

Paying the Rent is a step towards justice, truth and equality for First Nations people. Future Group pays rent through the Pay The Rent Collective, which disburses payments to a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations they partner with across the country.

View our policy

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Our Reconciliation Action Plan allows us to embark on a journey of reconciliation with a focus on listening and learning; helping us to build relationships and collaborate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We will strengthen our knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, and how we can support reconciliation in our company and within our industry and circle of influence. We will explore how we can work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through our business operations, partnerships, employment and investment activities.

Download the below PDF to read our full Reconciliation Action Plan.

Download our Reconciliation Action Plan